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GOTVIEW Sport HDcamWindow N50

GPS навигатор и регистратор GPS3000

GPS навигатор и регистратор GPS3000

Цена за шт. (шт.): 869.00 грн.

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.3-in-one utra-thin design: driving record, navigation and tpms (optional).
.High Resolution 640x480 Color Camera for driving record (Video and audio) and reserve important documents.
.High sensitivity SiRF 3 GPS for navigation system and recording GPS Location.
.Ultra power-saving feature, navigation and video can be used simultaneously for 4 hours, only camera available nearly 16 hours.
.Provide a "mute" function selection
.Camera can be adjusted
.Can play the travel recorded video/audio/locations/date/time/speed in Google map.
.One button DV function.
.One button Navigation function.
.One button protecting the important video from being replaced
.Can be recording and navigating two functions at the same time.
.Auto record and cover the oldest file when the memory card in full status.
.The optional tire pressure detection sensor can be used for more than 7 years (normal use) according to the United States / Japan / European safety standards.
.Tire pressure monitoring receiver can be used alone and provide unusual warning
.Auto travel record function when plug in the power in the car. (next version hardware)
.Auto stop record function when turn off the car power. (next version hardware)
.Take pictures and can show in Google map. (next version hardware)
.Integrate GPRS for communication function. (next version hardware

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